Michigan’s Copper Country rests along the spine of the Keweenaw Peninsula, a spike of land jutting into the cold waters of Lake Superior. The remote area could have remained untouched by settlement if it weren’t for the rich deposits of copper which attracted peoples of many nations – first prehistoric Native American miners and later the waves of ethnic immigrants from across the globe.
For many of these people, the Copper Country served as sort of “Interior Ellis Island,” an entry point for their participation in the American melting pot experience. Some individuals stayed for only a short time, moving on to other parts of North America, while others remained in the Keweenaw, establishing families, communities and carrying many cultural traditions with them.
This rich tapestry of immigrant culture lingers in the region today – in its place names, in its architecture, in its food products and in the “feel” of the place. This web site intends to explore these themes of immigration, ethnicity and culture as they continue to define the lives of people in Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula. |